<!-- Hi! I'm,

Zeeshan Habib />

Software Engineer Extraordinaire
(In the making)


This here is my personal portfolio where you will find a collection of coding projects I have made and a log of programming knowledge I gain as I go through my studies. I am enthusiastic about Software Enigneering and technology in general. This portfolio serves as a space to showcase my progress.

Currently I am majoring in Computer Science at the University of Florida and pursuing other online learning resources as well to supplement my formal education. Areas of interest include Web Design, Full Stack Web Development, Bots and Mobile App Development. I will be updating the projects section below as I build more apps pertaining to my interests!

Have a Question? Would you like to work together? Feel free to Follow me via any of the links in the card to the left.


Below you will find some of the apps I have built

Links Description

Club Finity is a multi-platform mobile app we set out to build within UF Software Engineering Club using React Native, Express js and MongoDB with the aim of providing student organizations at UF, a streamlined platform to promote and and manage their events on campus.

The development is still ongoing with various teams tackling different components of the application architecture! As head of development, I've come to learn a lot about both developing with a Reactive mindset and how to organize teams to accomplish our goals.

Code snips is snippet clipboard I'm developing using React.js and plain CSS. I needed a better way to store commands or coding snippets I use on a frequent basis, properly categrorized and efficient to copy/paste. With Code Snips I am hoping to build a functional customizable snippet repo with a well-designed UI.

It was also a good challenge project for me to delve more into React.js components, states and props etc. I'm currently focussed on finishing the basic frontend functionality for the clipboard before I move on to implementing backend data persistence!

The base idea for the game took inspiration from the movie "Gravity" where the astronauts get trapped in the orbit and space debris threatens to pummel them at every revolution. In AstroBoi the behemoth-like shrapnel inching towards the player from beneath provides a sense of urgency.

It was a great experience developing the game on Unity in a team of 4 and within the limited 40 hour duration of Gator Game Jam 2018. In my role as Game engineer, I developed scripts for the asteroids, game scoring and the menu UI.

Succinctly put Formailer is a Form ---> Email Microservice. What for? I am hosting my personal portfolio on Github Pages and while it's awesome and free, it is restricted to static webpages! So I needed a way to rig form logic for the contact form on my portfolio such that any time some one hit "Send", the message would be auto-emailed to my own mail.

How I did it: I buit this basic Express app that parses POST requests from the form and hooks to Gmail SMTP server via the Nodemailer library. Then I updated my static form to send POST request to this custom endpoint. Boom, problem solved!

TuneTable is a web app that intelligently generates a Spotify playlist based on genre and artist preferences. This app was built during the 36-hour hackathon, "SwampHacks 2018." I was part of a 3 person team and was responsible for the entirety of TuneTable's front-end.

Participating in my first hackathon was an amazing experience and I got to learn tons of stuff from my collaborators. The design theme for TuneTable is based on retrowave and I used a plethora of CSS to give the UI a certain arcadey look. At the hackathon's conclusion, we presented our fully deployed app to fellow participants and judges; and while TuneTable did not win any prizes, I was thankful for the educational experience!

Study Abroad is an Android App that acts as a step by step guide for students who are planning to apply for international colleges. Other than a brief overview of the process, the app also includes helpful links to other resources and a custom search form. This app was the first fully fledged project I built and it truly made me fall in love with programming at the time.

I also designed the front-end from scratch, following through on Material design guidlines to make it user accessible. Functionally the app is quite barebones but it allowed me to share my experiences with other prospective students.

It has garnered over 5900 installs to date on Google Play Store and I hope to update it in future iterations to offer more helpful features.

Weather Gradient is a clean static webpage that displays user's current weather based on their location. I named it Gradient at the end due to the use of CSS color gradient in background (Creative right?!) This project was a casual coding exercise and uses external API to get weather data. Weather icons are displayed accordingly and with the use of jQuery, I was able to turn the temperature square into a button which switches from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.

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